Thursday 30 January 2014


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+ Waking early morning & basking in the light of the sunrise 
+ Powerful-as-heck words from authors//creators such as Danielle LaPorte & Marie Forleo
+ Connecting & sharing with beautiful souls
+ Bursts of energy & absolute bliss
+ At home dinner dates with David
+ That look of complete love & adoration in my puppy's eyes
+ Pushing//stretching myself with projects, my writing & my goals
+ Synchronicity & divine intervention
+ Energy shifts & a change in the collective consciousness
+ Words of love & support from my tribe 
+ The safe (& exubberantly happy) return of my little sister from her European travels
+ Hawaiian dreaming & planning (insert exclamation points x a million here)

What are YOU grateful for? 

Acknowledging just one or two things (although I'd bet my first born that you could definitely uncover a few more than two) that you are grateful for can serve as the key to unlock the confines of the 'should haves' and the 'don't haves' and allows us to focus on the incredible blessings that exist within our lives. These could be mundane, run of the mill, nothing out of the ordinary types of blessings - but if you stop to appreciate the amazing gifts and blessings that are bestowed on us every day - you will soon realise that, with consistency, as you express your thanks to your universe it responds by delivering more and more experiences, opportunities and gifts to be grateful for.

Blessings, hundreds and thousands of them, today and always x

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