Monday, 25 March 2013

FEED ME MONDAY - So Fresh and so Clean Edition

After a weekend of frivolities, food and friendly socialising I know just what your body needs, what your body is cravin'. And that, my darling little foodies, is a raw delight. An alkalising dish that will invigorate your cells and leave your tummy satisfied, not grumbly or bloated. 

This dish came about on a night when motivation and energy was low but my cravings for crazy nutritious food were high. I looked in the pantry and saw rice paper. I looked in the fridge and saw an array of vegetables, every colour of the rainbow, boasting live enzymes and poppin' full o' nutrients. And ... wollah! A raw dish was born. 

Raw Rice Paper Rolls with marinated tofu and vege sticks.

Marinated Tofu
300g firm tofu
5 Tbspn soy sauce or tamari
5 Tbspn sesame oil
2 Tbspn rice wine vinegar
1 clove garlic (finely diced)
1/2 chilli (finely diced)
1/2 tspn minced ginger 

Mix all marinade ingredients together. Cut tofu into 1- 1.5cm wide strips and lay in flat dish. Cover with marinade, cover with glad wrap and set in fridge for an hour.

Vege filling
1/2 cucumber
1 carrot
1/2 capsicum
Fresh coriander
Fresh rocket

Wash, peel and prep carrot, cucumber and capsicum into long, thin strips. Wash coriander and rocket and put aside.

Rice Paper 

To use soak each piece in warm water for approximately 10seconds, remove and lay on a plate. After about 2 minutes, the rice paper should be completely softened and ready to fill! Start by layering a bed of rocket, a strip of tofu and all the vege pieces scattered beautifully atop the glorious mound of heavenly produce. Finish with some fresh coriander. Now for the fun and always very awkward part of rolling these babies up! This recipe makes about 8-9 rolls and feel free to eat until your heart and tummy's are content! I had three rolls for dins and was left absolutely satisfied and it sat so amazingly in my tummy. 

I hope you love and enjoy this dish as much as I loved inventing (and ingesting) it!

Blessings from my phallically shaped dinner creation x

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