Friday 22 March 2013


What differentiates the successful, the happy, the optimistic, the 'buzzing', the enthusiastic, the invigorated and the blissed out from the rest? What is it that gives some people that 'always happy' glow, the people that look like they're walking on clouds 24/7. Well today's Fuzzy Friday is all about shedding some light and inspiration on this very virtue.

It starts with 'P', my friends, and it's the secret that will unlock all of your potential and open doors to your incredible life.


Mull it over. Think it through. Let the word swish around in your mind. What does it evoke? What thoughts come up? What feelings come through? Isn't it amazing that such a simple, single, seven letter word can hold so much power. When I first truly considered just how much the concept of 'passion' resonated with me, I realised that it represented exactly what I was all about. 'Passion' absolutely lights me up and, for me, is everything. 'Passion' is what I strive to bring into every area of my life - my health, my relationships, my career, EVERYTHING!

I am a self confessed multi-passionate chikka (if you haven't heard of this new age title - google it. I did and discovered it was me to a freakin' tee). My downfall is getting too caught up in too many things and pursuing a million passions at any one time. I've learnt that, to be successful, to be happy and to enjoy a rich and full life, bringing your passion is key. Bring it to work, bring it home to the boyf, bring it to your friendships and, heck, bring it to mundane tasks like doing the dishes! Be passionate about everything that you do and you will be blown away by the transformative mental shift.

Which brings me now to a collection of passionate pictures to tickle your pickle!

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

And now over to you my lovelies - what will YOU bring your passion to today? 

Bonus Tidbits - check out this article by the always amazing and uber passionate Marie Forleo. If you're not familiar with this lady, you best get!

Blessings from my burningly passionate personaaaaaa x

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