Tuesday, 9 April 2013

INSPIRING SOULS - The Pioneer Edition

Hello sunshine!

I’m introducing a new series of posts that will pop up sporadically on the blog, bringin’ waves of positivity and offer an opportunity for me to introduce you to people that are lightin’ me up. Get excited. This is going to be awesome.

Life has a funny way of reconnecting people doesn’t it? You might rekindle a friendship, a relationship, link up with an old acquaintance or loved one. The universe has always got our back and it’s pretty clever in delivering people and situations to you in the absolute, most perfect of timings. You can imagine my excitement then when one of my favourite inspirational insta accounts revealed themselves to in fact be a gorgeous girl that I used to work with back in the day at a little ole’ jewellery store. So it honours and prides me to be introducing Georgia - a health nut and photo takin’ extraordinaire who I’m sure will motivate and inspire you to live your healthiest life. I am so very freaking excited to kick off this series with the beautiful face behind ‘health_project’ – the instagram account providing meal ideas, raw food inspiration and a chronicle of images that give an insight into this girl's healthy life.

The beautiful Miss Georgia

1. Describe your health approach in three words.
Basic, open-minded and passionate

2. How did you gain your ‘health nut’ status? (What led to your decision to choose this lifestyle?).
It wasn’t until about a year ago when I decided I needed to change my diet dramatically. The stress of year 11 and 12 got the best of me and I wasn’t looking after myself at all. I did a tiny bit of research and started changing aspects of my life around slowly. I realised I felt mentally and physically better than I had ever felt before! At the beginning of this year I decided that I would do a little bit more research and this is when I guess I became a ‘health nut’ to say the least ;)

3. What is the most over used ingredient in your kitchen?
Mmmm that’s a hard one, I am tossing up between Nuts & Cacao. I’m going to have to go with Cacao though. I try to put it in everything; smoothies, hot chocolates, pancakes, brownies, sauces and even in crackers! But not for a minute do I ever feel guilty about the amount of it I use on a daily basis. The health benefits of this superfood are endless (so high in antioxidants, relaxes muscles, controls blood sugar levels & helps with weight loss) so what is not to love about it!

4. What have been the greatest challenges for you in your quest for total health?
Peanut butter… Nah just kidding! (But seriously…) My greatest challenge has been my fear of what others think- especially quite a few of the people that are closest to me! I try to not let the fear judgement affect me, but I would be lying when I say that it doesn’t. Still being so young and unawares, a lot of my friends have not (yet) adopted a similar lifestyle or mindset to me, so I do feel as though I have drifted away from the unsupportive and judgemental people and become closer to those that live a similar lifestyle (but hey I’m not complaining, I have met so many new friends!)

5. Who are your greatest influences and inspirations?
Oh gosh, so many! But my Mum would have to be my number one greatest influence. If it wasn’t for her I don’t think I would be half the health freak I am today. I am so grateful she has the same interests for health and wellbeing as me, which means lots of cooking, research, yoga and food shopping together! I absolutely love it.

6. What has been your most radical change? 
Becoming a vegan FO SHO’. Never in a million years did I ever think I would give up meat, let alone dairy and other animal products! But to be honest it is the best thing I have ever done. I am so glad that I educated myself about the benefits of living a vegan lifestyle, not only on myself but the environment as a whole. In the beginning it was a challenge, but the further I go the easier it gets. If you haven’t watched the documentary ‘Earthlings’ then I definitely recommend you do so! Biggest eye opener.

7. Recipe for success? 
Surround yourself as much as you can with supportive, encouraging and positive people. If you can do that, you are already halfway closer to success! Also, you need to find a balance in your life! Make sure you incorporate exercise, study, working, leisure, healthy eating, socialising etc instead of just focusing on one area.

8. Describe your perfect day.
5:45am wake up. 1 hour sunrise walk along the beach, go out for breakfast with Mum or a friend. Come home and relax for a few hours whilst drinking as many green teas as I can fit in. 1 hour yoga session. Find a new recipe for lunch and make it! Hang out with my boyfriend for a few hours. Come home and cook up a storm for dinner. Oh and then drink another hundred cups of tea while watching movies or the biggest loser!

9. Favourite way to sweat?
Yoga, body balance and running for sure! It takes me a bit of motivation to start running, but once I start I cant stop.

10. What are your words to live by? (Favourite affirmations, mantras, quotes…)
“Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement… get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.” –Abraham Joshua Heschel

11. Message for the wannabe wellies? (Final thoughts on health/fitness or anything at all!)
Everything that you ever wanted to do, do it! Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back! Create your own life by doing the things you love and reaching the goals that you make.

Blessings from and to all of the fantastic tribe of health crusaders out there x

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