Friday, 26 April 2013


The inspiration for today's post is the amazing women and men in my life that just do not see how dang amazing they are. It's infuriating! Smart, beautiful, successful, funny, charismatic people who have listened for far too long to the mean voices in their head or to the opinions of haters about the place, and have thus lost their sense of self and worth. Today's post is the kick up the butt that you all need. I'm here to fly kick your inner voice/nag in the head and slap that insecurity out of you! 

Too often people stay in bad relationships; bad work environments; bad housing situations; put up with toxic people in their lives; say yes when they wish they had said no ... I'm sure you catch my drift. The reason at the crux of this? That they are not aware of their worth and do not believe they deserve better. Try and imagine, if you find yourself in an environment/situation/relationship that makes you unhappy, what advice you would give to a loved one if they were in the same situation? Would you ever say 'you deserve to get treated like shit, suck it up princess', 'well you're not going to get any better so just deal with it', 'you don't deserve to be happy - this is your life now'? Uh, hells no, you wouldn't! You would give them a cuddle, tell them that they deserve better and hold their hand as they plan out an escape strategy and life revamp. Well my little lovelies, if you have been waiting for a sign to give you the confidence to leap, arms open, completely trustingly, into your new life situation ... THIS.IS.IT. 

"Life is too short to be unhappy. If you don't like something, change it. You are not a tree"

I freakin' love this quote. So true, a little funny, and a complete kick up the ass. Pow.

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Now go out and do amazing things you gorgeous little petal.

Blessings from my 'bursting with pride and love and excitement for you' all kind of heart x

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