Friday, 10 May 2013


For those of you who know me, and love me regardless, you know that I am a goal setter. I am as goal oriented as they come. I am forever writing lists and goals, setting challenges and pushing myself further and further. I don't just mean in a purely fitness sense, although I seem to always be pressing 'submit' button on online registration forms of all sorts of run, ride or community events. I mean that I am a goal setter in every single aspect of my life. I am in fact sad to say that I've forgotten what it's like to just 'be'. I feel lost and far too uncertain about my path when I don't have something, anything, that I am striving towards. This is, ironically, my new goal and focus. To abolish the 'have to's and the 'to do list's and focus on the journey instead of the destination. 

But it's not all doom and gloom. I'm proud of the goals that I have set and subsequently achieved. I am very much someone who will never really relish in their success, I achieve the goal and quickly set my sights on the next step, the next mountain to climb and the next item to check off. Um, eff that! In my short 25 years I have set out to do the following -

+ Graduate with honours from my university course
+ Get thesis published
+ Complete a triathlon
+ Complete a fun run for charity
+ Move out of home
+ Move to and live in the country
+ Become a principal speech pathologist in my own private practice
+ For David and I to buy our first house
+ Start and maintain an empowering blog

And guess what my loves? I have freakin' done it! In addition to these I have been able to maintain my beautiful relationships with the most amazing group of family and friends; set a few mini goals along the way and have the best time doing it all! So, although I am taking a backseat on the whole goal setting expedition, I am giving you the wheel baby! This is your e-kick-up-the-bum to set your sights high and go out and do it. I have collated an inspirational bunch o' images to light that fire in your bellies. Motivational quotes and images are my (not so secret) weapon. Screen shot these gems, stick 'em on your mirror or record yourself saying them and listen to them over and over. You got this - I am your number one cheerleader and am jumping my little ass off and waving pom poms in yo' face!

And in the inspiring words of my beautiful friend - Life is your oyster, eat up baby!

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Blessings from my already-oh-so-proud-of-you heart and soul x

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