Monday, 23 December 2013

Hellos and christmas love

I am so sorry I left you all high and dry this festive season. With dizzying overambition and hopes for what I could achieve this season on the blog - I have unfortunately not been able to match my initial enthusiasm! 

So what have I been up to I hear you ask? Well I have been cooking and whisking; creating and crafting; movin' and shaking; shopping and wrapping; writing; laughing; hugging; loving and working! The clinic has been a little cray cray and I have been kicking my feet furiously below to keep my head above water. 

The good news? It's Christmas baby. My favoruite time of year by a freakin' country mile. The energy is absolutely electric at the moment, can you feel it? I find myself sitting alone and smiling randomly and am just happy-to-my-core. The thought of spending Christmas time with my closest nearest and dearest (bar a few distant souls) makes me oh-so-happy.

So to you all I wish a very Merry Christmas! And a happy, healthy and blessed new years.

I am SO excited for 2014 and all it has in store. I have a feeling that it's going to be my biggest year on this planet. Can I get a whoot whooooot?!

Blessings and christmas carols GALORE x

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