Friday, 10 January 2014

2014 - what does it have in store for us?

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Hello, greetings and salutations my darlings! Apologies for the unanticipated extended break in posts! I just rolled with it and over the craziness that was the Christmas and New Year period (with a friends hen's night, birthdays, catch ups etc all thrown in for good measure too!) it just came to be that I didn't have the focus or energy really to commit to sitting down and typing away. 

But I am back. Boy oh boy, am I back. I adore fresh starts, resolutions, goal setting, clean slates and all of the other joys that a new year can bring so, as you can imagine, I am quietly losing my shit with excitement over here! 2014 is ripe with possibilities, opportunities, life changing adventures and oodles more good stuff. I can't wait for the year to unfold. 

Have you taken a few solitary moments to think about what the year could mean for you? What personal challenges will you set? What goals will you smash? How do you want to feel this year? I am just getting into Daniella LaPorte's golden wisdom and one approach that I adore is her encouragement to focus not on physical things you want or need to achieve over the year - but rather going deeper and uncovering how you want to feel. What are your 'core desired feelings'? These feelings can be brought about or enhanced by physical gains but ultimately that feeling is our true desire. Pretty darn powerful ain't it?

So this year Bless this Mess turns one year old (and a celebratory post on that nifty little milestone is on its way my loves!) and is already turning out to be just like her mama. Because this pre toddler is finding her feet, growing and changing. Without giving too much away (a relaunch and redesign are in the works - so sit tight baby!) this year's focus is changing to be more focussed and dedicated to discussing sustainability and eco-conscious living; kindness practices and being a better human; natural health and wellness; recipe sharing; inspiring souls dropping by more regularly and a whole heap more. Does that wet your appetite? 

What would YOU like to see more of from BTM in 2014 - shoot me an email at or leave a comment below. 

Blessings and over-the-moon new year excitement x

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