Monday, 2 December 2013

FEED ME MONDAY - The Christmas Wishlist Edition

A very special 'happy Monday' to you all as, not only is it a fabulous and fresh start Monday but it's also the first Monday of the festive season! Bless this Mess is going to go all 'jingle bells' on yo' asses. Prepare yourselves for an influx of Christmas recipes; gift ideas for loved ones; my own Christmas wish list; Christmas references coming out the wazoo and Elf quotes a-plenty! This is in addition to the usual pop-up posts from week to week. Holy excitment batman. 

I'm going to kick it off with the first of a series of recipe posts this season. This is my 'to make' wishlist of Christmas yummies. All beautiful, decadent, yummy, as well as the added benefit of being eco and health conscious!

Every year I help (in a sometimes very minimal way) to contribute to the Christmas culinary shenanigans. Last year I made an array of healthy deserts including 'choc chip' cookies and festively decorated raw brownies. This year I am going to tackle this bad boy courtesy of 'Raw Mom'. Raw Christmas Cakes - individually portioned to make them ideal for an after dinner (slash feast) treat or as gifts. My beautiful mama always makes individual boiled fruit cakes for friends and family, so this year I'm thinking that daughter dearest might shake up this tradition. 

Image sourced from this Life Changing Events post

Have you ever seen anything so adorable? I can't wait to whip these up. I need to come up with a fun, festive and, of course, sustainable way of presenting these guys. I am on a mission to source short little jars (think candle jars) and tying twine around the top for a rustic sort o' feel. Or candy cane striped ribbon. Or red and green intertwined string...


What is on your 'to bake' (or in the raw case - to assemble!) list for this holiday season?!

Blessings and mistletoe kisses x

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