Tuesday, 3 December 2013

YOU DESERVE TO BE 'JOLLY, NOT JELLY' THIS CHRISTMAS (a freebie for you darling)...

As the song goes 'Tis the season to be jolly', but the composers must have been on a tight time schedule and weren't able to fit in 'tis also the season to be partying, and making poor food choices, and trading exercise for pudding, and waking up on Boxing Day feeling like a stuffed pig. Falalalalalalalalala'. Not as catchy is it? But the truth is, we have ALL been there. We have all stuffed ourselves stupid and excused that 'it's the holidays' but felt guilty with every bite. We have all foregone our early morning exercise sessions in exchange for chasing a few extra zzz's after a late night. We have all eaten (ahem, gorged on) leftovers all the way til New Years and then spent January 1st making outrageous promises that mean a few weeks of deprivation...

It's a shitty cycle ain't it? Firstly - it doesn't have to be. Secondly - when you realise and come to accept that life is all about cycles and rhythm, it kind of makes you feel calmer about the whole ordeal. I came across this message the other day and it resonated with me completely and I think actually could be interpreted and utilised during those periods in our lives where nothing seems to be 'set'.

"All of life is cyclical: the moon, the stars, and the very universe. Life inhales and then exhales again. So why should you be surprised or upset that you too have cycles? There are times when you feel energised, awake and alive. There are other times when you feel isolated and shy. Your body, too, goes through pronounced cycles and changes. Celebrate these rhythms, and embrace them as the essence of the lifeblood that courses through you!"
Maeve Angel Card (Doreen Virtue).

Sigh, isn't that powerful? I absolutely adored pulling this card and it's my life to a tee at the moment. Life was frenetically paced for the past few weeks and now its slowing a little. For me slow = scary. I have this mental program, which is entirely false and I'm working on rewriting it as we speak, that tells me that slow living = lazy living. The life that I have created means that my routine is fairly unpredictable and no two days are the same. I am flat sticks busy one minute and then twiddling my thumbs the next. But I am embracing it at the moment because it allows me to check in with you guys and leave a bit of extra love and attention around these parts.

But back to Christmas. Life is a balance and you have to make sure that whatever you do comes from a place of love and respect. Sure, eat a whole heap o' yummies over the festive season, if that's what you TRULY want and will serve you. Be present and happy in your decisions.

I have whipped up a printable poster for you to pop up at your desk, beside your bed, on your fridge or wherever will inspire you to make sure this season leaves you feeling 'jolly' and not like 'jelly'. Click here to download your copy now!

What will YOU do this season to ensure you enter the New Year rejuvinated, healthy and, above all else, happy?

Blessings and good tidings to you and your kin x

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