Wednesday, 29 January 2014

INSPIRING SOULS - The Badass Yogi Edition

I am SO excited to open the first post in the 'Inspiring Souls' series for 2014 - and what a way to kick it off! Today I introduce to you a beautiful, free spirited, Melbournian with a passion for hip hop beats and savasannah's. Sammy Veall is a 23 year old entrepreneur with such incredible and inspiring vision - after studying under Steve Ross in the US, Sammy brought her new found knowledge to Australian shores and launched the first ever hip hop yoga studio*. I'm sure you will be just as impressed and blown away by the kindness and passion in this lovely little pocket rocket.

1. Describe your health approach in three words. 
Alkaline, fresh and yoga.

2. How did you gain your ‘health nut’ status? 
Yoga. Once I started practicing yoga every day my body didn’t want unhealthy food or alcohol. I craved fresh fruit and vegetables and had joy in being healthy and active every day.

3. What is the most over used ingredient in your kitchen? 
Coconut oil or kale

4. What have been the greatest challenges for you in your quest for total health? 
At the moment it’s trying to balance owning two businesses and teaching yoga every day and then being a 23 year old at the same time! I still drink alcohol and go out and have a good time. But it’s very hard for me at times because a part of me doesn’t enjoy that at all anymore. I would rather wake up at 5:30 and start my day from here healthy rather than wake up hung over and try to juggle all your jobs you have to do. I’m managing though… I will find the balance.

5. Who are your greatest influences and inspirations? 
My grandfather, Poppy. He died nearly a year ago now. He was my biggest fan and I was his. He would call a spade a spade, no bullshit, enjoy life and don’t fool yourself. The rules I now live by.

6. What has been your most radical change? 
I did acting for 5 years after school, I was completely set on it. Then in LA, where I actually went to pursue acting again, I met Steve and did my first Hip Hop yoga class and that was a real turning point for me. I knew that was it for me, I quit acting the next day and did 1 if not 2 yoga classes a day with Steve until my visa ran out.

7. Recipe for success? 
Believe in your self, don’t take anything personally, don’t be afraid to fail but know that it can happen and LOVE what you do otherwise no one else will.

8. Describe your perfect day. 
Wake up early, teach yoga, go to the market buy lots of fresh fruit and smoothie ingredients, go home eat them all, have a sleep, walk my dog Tilly, do some work, take a yoga class, go out for dinner. I love going out for dinner and dressing up! I am forever in yoga pants :)

9. What are your words to live by? 
Everything happens, whether for a reason or not. YOU can only make yourself happy. Everything is going to be okay, maybe not today but eventually.

10. Message for the wannabe wellies? 
Everything in moderation, if you like chocolate eat chocolate! The guilt of eating chocolate is way worse for you than the actual chocolate its self. So don’t worry so much about everything. Keep your diet fresh, do yoga every day if you can. I believe starting out with Yoga before diet, then everything will naturally follow. 

Blessings and gold chains with dollar signs x

*Want to learn more about Hip Hop Yoga and Yoga 213 studio? Click here for a mini vid.

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