Thursday, 23 January 2014


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So the 2013 'year in review' is done and dusted. Wahoo! Thank you all for your beautiful feedback and support on both the post and the year that was. I appreciate it more than words could ever come close to conveying. You is tha tits.

I wanted to share with you today what I have planned for 2014 in relation to Bless this Mess - partly due to accountability and an act of divine declaration to the universe but mostly because I want to keep you in the loop! I reflected on how much the blog, and with it myself, has changed over the past 12 months and with this evolution and growth comes new direction and intentions. So get ready - she's going to be a big one. 

Below are a few words floating around in my mind as to what I want for myself and this space, but more importantly this community over the coming year -

1 // Consistency - I want to be there for you when you want me, and away from the keys when life calls. I completely trust the ebbs and flows of life but want to create a little more consistency in my writing practice - and that will come ultimately from greater organisation and time management. Think post calendars and on-the-go writing apps - wherever I am, I will be writing.

2 // Positivity - I want Bless this Mess to be a 'hub of happiness'. I want your spirits to be lifted, to leave you feeling energised and to educate and inspire you whenever you visit this sacred little space. Positivity is something that I strive to infuse in all aspects of my life - so why should here be any different? Think you've seen me 'happy'? Uh uh - I'm about to unleash all of my raw and crazy positivity on you. Get ready.

3 // Support - Bless this Mess represents a community of people (mostly chickas but I'm waiting for the fellas to come knocking too!) who strive to create vibrant lives, who are proud of who they are and who understand their infinite power and incredible potential. I want this space to support each and every one of you. I want to establish and encourage a network of big hearted, passionate and kind individuals who want and deserve greatness and who wish to create a better tomorrow for our environment, community and selves.

4 // Refreshed - This is the word that pops into my head whenever I think of the visuals of Bless this Mess in 2014. Think BTM 2.0. I want a refreshed, revamped and supercharged website full of inspiration, goodies and one that is the web equivalent to Ryan Gosling shirtless (yep, THAT good). I will be launching a rebrand and redesign over the coming months - something that has been in the works for a while - so stay with me and keep your eyes peeled.

5 // Service - If you asked me what my number one mission in life was, now, 5 or 15 years ago, I would say 'to be of service to my friends, family and global community' - although when I was younger I wouldn't have known the words 'service' or 'global' so maybe I would have said an ammended version of that - but none the less my main hope and desire in life is to contribute to the happiness, health and enjoyment of those around me. Even in a small way. So my focus this year is 'service'. I want to serve my clients within my speech clinic by providing a high quality of therapy; I want to serve my community by getting involved in local projects; I want to serve my friends and family by supporting, loving and entertaining (well, sometimes it's called for) them and I want to serve my readers by being authentic, ever-present, kind and available. I will also be adding new products and services to the site over the year as I graduate in September as a Certified Health Coach. I will be opening and offering a number of packages that could see you working with me to achieve your health and lifestyle goals. I also have a big project underwraps that I am hoping to work on during my time abroad in a few weeks - it's big, lush, transformative and life changing.

So that's it guys! My 5 power words for 2014 for Bless this Mess.

What do you think? What resonates with you? What are YOUR power words for your business or life for 2014? Comment below or flick me an email at

Blessings and abundant hopes and dreams for what this year will bring x

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